Lead Researcher
Steven Armstrong is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Lincoln, Visiting Professor of Business Administration in Beijing University of Technology, and Emeritus Professor of the University of Hull.
Steve previously spent 15 years at the leading edge of research, design and development within the electronics industry where he was a chartered engineer, a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and R&D manager responsible for new product developments. He moved into management education in the UK Higher Education sector in 1993 and shortly afterwards completed a PhD in organisational behaviour. Since then, he has organised 14 international events including 10 major conferences, presented more than 50 conference papers, edited 4 books, co-edited 8 books of conference proceedings, and authored over 50 peer reviewed journal articles/book chapters. He served a five-year term of office as a council member of the British Academy of Management and a further five-year term of office within the US Academy of Management - leading to the position of President of the Management Education and Development Division. Steven also co-founded the European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN) in 1996, serving as vice president. He has served in a number of editorial roles including a Chief Editor of the International Journal of Management Reviews, a 5-year term of office as Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Learning & Education Journal, and consulting editor on a number of other notable journals.
Steven’s research interests lie in the field of individual differences psychology and person-environment fit. He is particularly interested in how differences in cognitive style affect the way individuals relate to one another, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate ideas in the workplace. He is also interested in how learning styles affect knowledge acquisition in the context of management learning. Outcomes investigated in the field of organisation behaviour at the workplace include leader-member exchange, mentoring relationships, gender effects, behaviour in self-managing work-teams, entrepreneurship, career development, acquisition of managerial tacit knowledge, creativity and conflict, organisational commitment, expatriate management learning in cross-cultural contexts, and organisational citizenship behaviours. Outcomes investigated in the context of management learning and education include student performance, student-supervisor relationships, and quality of research supervision.