Christopher Allinson obtained a BSc degree in Industrial Psychology/Sociology at the Bradford University Management Centre before taking an MA in Organisation Studies at the University of Leeds and a PhD at Bradford. He subsequently returned to Leeds as a member of academic staff, eventually becoming Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Head of the Management Division in the Leeds University Business School, and, on retirement, Emeritus Professor. Christopher’s research was largely concerned with the person-job and person-organisation fit. His main focus was on studies of human information processing at the workplace, especially outcomes of the interaction between cognitive style and job characteristics. Correlates included work performance, job satisfaction, occupational stress and leader-member exchange. His other research concerned the skills of performance appraisal and socialisation in bureaucracies. An important outcome of Christopher’s work at Leeds was the design and development of the Cognitive Style Index with John Hayes, and its application in a number of practical situations with Steven Armstrong. Christopher was an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Psychologist.