Articles (Reverse Chronological Order):
Qi, M., Armstrong, S. J., Yang, Z. & Li, Xiaoyi. (2022). Cognitive diversity and team creativity: A moderation-on model involving demographic faultlines, sub-group imbalance and information elaboration. Journal of Business Research, 39, 819-830 (doi: 10.1016/jbusres.2021.10.027).
Armstrong, S. J. & Qi, M. (2020). The influence of leader-follower cognitive style similarity on followers’ organizational citizenship behaviours. Frontiers in Psychology. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01265).
Qi, M., Armstrong, S. J. (2019). The influence of cognitive style diversity on intra-group relationship conflict, individual-level organizational citizenship behaviours and the moderating role of leader-member exchange. International Journal of Conflict Management, 30, 4, 490-513.
Cuneo, F. (2019). The Promises of Cognitive Styles: A Methodological and Theoretical A roach Toward Their Fulfilment. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Armstrong, S. J. Qi, M. (2016). A reassessment of the factor structure of the Allinson-Hayes Cognitive Style Index. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 240-242.
Cools, E., Armstrong, S. J., & Verbrigghe, J. (2014). Methodological practices in cognitive style research: Insights and recommendations from the field of business and psychology. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23, 4, 627-641.
Franco, L. A., Meadows, M., Armstrong, S. J. (2013). Exploring individual differences in scenario planning workshops: A cognitive style framework. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 80, 723-734.
Aggarwal, I., and Woolley, A. W. (2013). Do you see what I see? The effect of members’ cognitive styles on team processes and errors in task execution. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 122, 92-100.
Armstrong, S. J., Cools, E. & Sadler-Smith, E. (2012). The role of cognitive styles in business and management: Reviewing 40-years of research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14, 3, 238-262.
Armstrong, S. J., Peterson, E. R., & Rayner, S. G. (2011). Understanding and defining ‘cognitive style’ and ‘learning style’: A Delphi Study. Educational Studies. DOI:10.1080.03055698.2011.643110.
Peterson, E., Rayner, S. G., & Armstrong, S. J. (2009). The psychology of cognitive style and learning styles: Is there really a future? Learning and Individual Differences Journal, 19, 4, 518-523.
Armstrong, S. J. & Hird, A. (2009). Cognitive style and entrepreneurial drive of new and mature business owner managers. Journal of Business and Psychology, 24, 4, 419-430.
Priola, V., Smith, J. & Armstrong, S. J. (2004). Group-work and cognitive style: A discursive investigation. Small Group Research, 35, 5, 565-595.
Armstrong, S. J., Allinson, C. W., & Hayes, J. (2004). The effects of cognitive style on research supervision: a study of student-supervisor dyads in management education. Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal, 3, 1, 2004, 41-63.
Armstrong, S. J. (2004). The impact of supervisors' cognitive styles on the quality of research supervision in management education. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 4, 599-616.
Hayes, J., Allinson, C. W., & Armstrong, S. J. (2004). Intuition, women managers and gendered stereotypes. Personnel Review, 33, 3, 403-417.
Hayes, J., Allinson, C. W., Hudson, R. S. and Keasey, K. (2003), Further reflections on the nature of intuition-analysis and the construct validity of the Cognitive Style Index. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76, 2, 269-278.
Armstrong, S. J., Allinson, C. W., & Hayes, J. (2002). Formal mentoring systems: An examination of the effects of mentor-protege cognitive styles on the mentoring process. Journal of Management Studies, 39, 8,1111-1137.
Armstrong, S. J., & Priola, V. (2001). Individual differences in cognitive style and their effects on task and social orientations of self-managed work-teams. Small Group Research, 32, 3, 283-312.
Allinson, C. W., Armstrong, S. J., Hayes, J. (2001). The effects of cognitive style on leader-member exchange: a study of manager-subordinate dyads. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, 74, 2, 201-220.
Armstrong, S. J. (2000). The influence of individual cognitive style on performance in management education. Educational Psychology, 20, 3, 323-340.
Allinson, C. W. and Hayes, J. (2000) Cross-national differences in cognitive style: implications for management, I, C. W., Chell, E. and Hayes, J. (2000) Intuition and entrepreneurial performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9, 1, 31-43.
Sadler-Smith, E., Allinson, C. W. and Hayes, J. (2000) Learning preferences and cognitive style: some implications for continuing professional development. Management Learning, 31, 2, 239-256.
Armstrong, S. J. (1999). Cognitive Style and Dyadic Interaction: A Study of Supervisors and Followers Engaged in Working Relationships. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
Hayes, J. and Allinson, C. W. (1998) Cognitive style and the theory and practice of individual and collective learning in organisations. Human Relations, 51, 7, 847-871.
Hayes, J. and Allinson, C. W. (1997) Learning styles and training and development in work settings: lessons from educational research. Educational Psychology, 17, 1 and 2, 185-193.
Armstrong, S., Allinson, C. W. and Hayes, J. (1997) The implications of cognitive style for the management of student-supervisor relationships. Educational Psychology, 17, 1 and 2, 209-217.
Allinson, C. W., and Hayes, J. (1996). The cognitive style index: a measure of intuition-analysis for organizational research. Journal of Management Studies. 33, 119–135. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.1996.tb00801.x
Hayes, J. and Allinson, C. W. (1996) The implications of learning styles for training and development: a discussion of the matching hypothesis. British Journal of Management, 7, 63-73.
Allinson, C. W. and Hayes, J. (1996) The Cognitive Style Index: a measure of intuition-analysis for organisational research, Journal of Management Studies, 33, 119-135.
Allinson, C. W., Hayes, J. and Davis, A. (1994) Matching the cognitive styles of management students and teachers: a preliminary study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79,125 - 128.
Hayes, J. and Allinson, C. W. (1994) Cognitive style and its relevance for management practice. British Journal of Management, 5, 53 - 71.
Hayes, J. and Allinson, C. W. (1993) Matching learning style and instructional strategy: an a lication of the person-environment interaction paradigm. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76, 63 - 79.
Hayes, J. and Allinson, C. W.(1988) Cultural differences in the learning styles of managers, Management International Review, 28, 3, 75 - 80.